You may have walked by someone and noticed something about their face. Their ageless beauty makes you stop and wonder “how can I have that”. Good genes and skincare play a role but, when it comes down to it, they have a simple secret. The facelift.

A facelift is a procedure that de-sags, de-wrinkles, and de-puffs the face to turn back the clock and make you look like you again. The good news is that you no longer need to put yourself on the operating table to have your inner beauty shine through once more.

Acoustic Wave Therapy uses the power of low-intensity Acoustic Wave to stimulate the face. The scaffolding that holds up your face is revitalized and reinforced, undoing years of progressive deterioration. At the same time, lymphatic fluid that has puffed you up can be massaged back into the system, leaving behind tight, youthful skin. Best of all, the blood vessels are stimulated to grow and supply your face anew, helping maintain your stunning results.

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