AWT Therapy is a highly effective treatment method for muscle aches, pains, and tendonitis. High-energy sound waves are introduced into your specific trigger points that your practitioner will locate during treatment. It is one of the most advanced and highly effective noninvasive treatment methods cleared by Health Canada. Acoustic Wave Technology can be utilized to effectively treat a wide variety of conditions including but not limited to the following: Knee Pain, Heel Pain, Foot Pain, Ankle Pain, Achilles, Plantar Fasciitis, Hamstring Pain, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, Elbow Pain, Wrist Pain, Hand Pain, Tennis Elbow, Sports Injuries, TMJ pain and more!

The treatment works by helping to improve regenerative potential of tendons and muscles and by enhancing blood circulation to regenerate damaged tissue. Beneficial effects are often experienced after only 1 or 2 treatments and there is no downtime afterwards. Athletes and mathletes alike can suffer from soreness due to sports injury, sitting/standing posture, and daily wear-and-tear. This non-surgical therapy for pain not only eliminates pain but also restores mobility. Get back to your full, pain-free mobility today!

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