Acoustic Wave Therapy (AWT) is a non-invasive treatment for those looking for younger looking skin. Your body has been healing you since the day you were born and, usually, it does that in response to being bumped and bruised. What if you could take that same regenerative power and use it to make you feel like you again?

Acoustic Wave therapy is proven through rigorous research to trigger new bloodflow, drain puffiness, and increase elasticity all over the body. When cells are hit by these waves, they send out signals that draw new blood vessels and oxygen to the area. They also trigger more elasticity proteins and collagen to be made. All that leads to healthier, tighter skin.

We use those same waves to target the areas you want to de-age and slim down. Within just one treatment prominent scars and cellulite begin to fade, sagged hips and cheeks perk up, and all you need to do is keep up a healthy lifestyle to keep enjoying the benefits!

A non-invasive, unmedicated method of revitalizing your skin, smoothing wrinkles, lifting the face, and contouring the body to look like you again. By bringing new blood flow to your skin and moving lymph fluid out of it, this treatment is a favorite for our clients of all ages!

Our clients ask the best questions, go to the FAQ page to learn more.